Friday, August 24, 2012

Everyday Bordeaux 2012 - Judge Panel

For this 6th edition, we had the pleasure to gather a super panel with the best local and international wine experts (Ms Debra MEIBURG MW, Mr John CHAN, Mr Nelson CHOW, Mr Jordan CHOY, Mr Wilson KWOK, Mr Peter KWONG, Mr Greenie LAM, Mr Chi San LAU, Mr. Ronny LAU, Ms. Rebecca LEUNG, Ms. Jennifer LUK, Ms. Jennie MACK, Ms. Ivy NG, Ms. Tersina SHIEH, Mr. Chris SO and Mr Ian SYMONDS) to taste and select the new 100 best Everyday Bordeaux wines in Hong Kong. 

今年我們很榮幸繼續得到多位本地和國際葡萄酒專家的協助,組成了一個陣容空前鼎盛的超級評審團,他們包括:Debra Meiburg女士、 陳裕康先生、周國明先生、蔡榛原先生、郭偉信先生、鄺英志先生、林震峰先生、劉致新先生、劉偉民先生、梁淑意小姐、陸潔珊小姐、麥秀珍女士、伍詠儀女士、謝德蘭女士、蘇任中先生及Ian Symonds先生,一起在兩天內品試了310款(比去年多出25款)來自57家入口商的波爾多葡萄酒,評審團須通過蒙瓶品試和數據分析,從中精挑細選出100款香港市場上最值得推介的每天波爾多!

Award-winning author and speaker who holds the top honour in the wine world: Master of Wine. One of the seven people to watch in Decanter’s Power List in 2011. A former wine professor who has worked harvest and as a cellar-hand, Debra is a familiar TV personality and author of “Debra Meiburg’s Guide to the Hong Kong Wine Trade” and Director of multimedia education platform Meiburg Wine Media. As long-time resident in Hong Kong and Qualified Wine Judge, she found the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition.譽滿酒壇的專欄作家及演講者,兼具葡萄酒界最高榮耀:Master of Wine - 葡萄酒大師。於2011年被《Decanter》雜誌評為極須留意的七個風雲人物之一。她曾任葡萄酒教授,為莊園採收,也曾在酒窖工作。本身是多媒體學習平台「美酒文化」Director的Debra,常見於電視節目亦是《Debra Meiburg之香港葡萄酒商貿指南》作者。她居港多年,亦是資深葡萄酒評委,因此創辦了「國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎」。 

John CHAN 陳裕康
Head Sommelier of Amber at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental. He worked in 5-star and diamond hotels and star restaurants including Kahala Mandarin Oriental, Spoon by Alain Ducasse, Nobu and Cépage. Since 2010, he has been contributing to editorial works for Everyday Bordeaux Wine Guide.
香港置地文華東方酒店Amber 餐廳總侍酒師。他曾在多家五星及鑽石級酒店和高級餐廳工作,包括夏威夷Kahala Mandarin Oriental、Spoon by Alain Ducasse、松久信幸(Nobu)及Cépage餐廳等。他自2010年起參與《每天波爾多美酒指南》的編輯工作。

Nelson CHOW 周國明
Chairman of the Hong Kong Sommelier Association (HKSA), Nelson has over 30 years of hotel, food and beverage management experience. He has been awarded the Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Française and Commandeur du Bon Temps, for his contribution to the industry. He is Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School and trainer for professional sommeliers.
身為香港專業品酒師協會(HKSA)會長的Nelson,有近30年的酒店及餐飲管理經驗,並且因其對業界之貢獻而獲頒授Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Française 及Commandeur du Bon Temps等榮譽。他熱衷教育,是波爾多葡萄酒學院認可講師及專業侍酒師的培訓導師。

Wilson KWOK 郭偉信
Graduate from both the renowned Cordon Bleu Paris and University of Bordeaux.  Columnist on gastronomy and travel.  Wilson is the author of the wine glossary book that teaches how to pronounce wine terms in 6 languages with his own voice. Wine international judge and critic.  Wine consultant for Dragonair.  Founder and Managing Director of W’s Entrecôte.  A keen promoter of wine tourism. Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School.


Peter KWONG 鄺英志
Renowned wine educator, judge, columnist and sommelier. He was ranked second in Asia in 1997’s International Sommelier Competition, the highest ranking ever for Chinese sommeliers.  He is the founder and Chairman of Hong Kong Wine Judges Association, and was appointed as chief judge in numerous wine competitions. As Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School, he frequently teaches in Greater China.

LAU Chi San 劉致新
Renowned wine critic and judge. Founder and Chief Editor of the most influential wine magazine in Hong Kong WineNow Monthly. Wine consultant for Cathay Pacific Airways and MGM Macau. He tastes more than ten thousands wines annually for work and international wine competitions. He travels extensively to wine countries and generously shares his insights on Weibo.


 As professional wine educator with over 12 years of experience, Ian is a Certified Educator for WSET (all levels), Certified Sommelier for the Court of Master Sommeliers, Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) and Spirits (CSS) for Society of Wine Educators (SWE), Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School and Official Burgundy Wines Educator. He also judges for wine competitions and writes for Cru Magazine.

Guest Judge 客席評審

Rebecca LEUNG 梁淑意
Wine educator, judge and writer. WSET Diploma (Level 4) holder, Certified Educator for WSET and the Wine Academy of Spain. She frequently travels and writes for the popular blog “Wine is Beautiful”, HK Economic Journal, Headline Daily, WineNow Monthly, etc. She also hosts wine programs on HKEJ online video channel and Sing Tao Chinese Radio Station of San Francisco.
葡萄酒導師、評審及寫作家。持WSET 第四級文憑,WSET及西班牙葡萄酒學院認可導師。她經常遊走世界各地,並於信報、頭條日報、酒經月刊、自己的品酒網誌《Wine is Beautiful醉美麗》等媒體分享經歷。她是香港信報網上品酒節目及美國三藩市星島中文電台美酒節目主持人。

Jennifer LUK 陸潔珊
Wine journalist who writes for online media such as Ming Pao OL, WineBuzz and [un:titled] Journal, etc. Wine educator and event organiser, offering WSET trainings, wine appreciation workshops such as the unique “Wine Tasting in the Dark”.  She loves travel and visiting vineyards and she recently ran the famous wine marathon in Médoc.
筆名「酒妮花」的Jennifer為多家網上媒體撰稿。文章常見於《明報OL網》、《WineBuzz》及《[無題] 日誌》等。她亦從事教育及活動策劃,籌辦WSET培訓課程、品酒工作坊及獨一無異的「黑暗中品酒會」。她喜歡旅遊和探訪酒莊,而她更參與了著名的梅鐸馬拉松。


Jennie MACK 麥秀珍
Managing Director and co-founder of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC). WSET Diploma (Level 4) holder, Certified Educator for WSET and the Wine Academy of Spain; Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School and A+ Australian Wine School. Judge for wine and sommelier competitions. With her love of food, wine, languages, culture and travel, Jennie has been involved in wine education for over 18 years. 

Ivy NG 伍詠儀
Certified Educator for WSET, International Sommelier Guide (ISG) and the Wine Academy of Spain; Official Burgundy Wines Educator. WSET Diploma (Level 4) and ISG Level 2 Certificate holder, professional marketer and wine consultant. Ivy enjoys attending and organising wine-tasting events, visiting wine-making regions and share thoughts in her own blog “Vinum et Vita”. 
Ivy是英國WSET 、國際侍酒師協會及西班牙葡萄酒學院認可導師;布根地葡萄酒官方講師。持有WSET第四級文憑及ISG 第二級證書;本身從事市場策劃及顧問的她,經常參與品酒活動和探訪各地產區,並於個人博客《Vinum et Vita》分享經驗。


Tersina SHIEH 謝德蘭
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Tersina graduated as top student in the winemaking diploma course at Plumpton College in England and was also one of the handful of students passing the WSET Level 5 Honours Diploma. She has made wines in the UK, Portugal and South Africa and visited wine regions in all continents.  Tersina joined IWC as general manager in October 2009.  Tersina also holds a MBA and is a Chartered Marketer.
謝德蘭是土生土長的香港人。她報讀英國 Plumpton College 的釀製葡萄酒高級文憑課程,以最優異的成績畢業,更考取少數人擁有的 WSET 第五級榮譽文憑。謝德蘭曾在英國、葡萄牙及南非等大小型酒莊工作,足跡遍及各洲釀酒產區。於2009年加入 IWC 擔任經理。此外,謝德蘭擁有MBA學歷,並為英國特許市務學會會員。

Jordan CHOY 蔡榛原
Founder of the Hong Kong Wine Institute and Vice Chairman of Greater China Wine Critics Association.  He has been wine and lifestyle editor and journalist for over ten years, and he writes for Fashion & Beauty, Esquire and Cru Magazine. As Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School, Jordan devoted himself to education in Employees Retraining Board and Integrated Vocational Development Centre.
香港葡萄酒學會創辦人及大中華酒評人協會副主席。從事葡萄酒和飲食新聞記者及編輯超過十年,現為《Fashion & Beauty》、《Esquire 君子雜誌》及《Cru . 生活》等媒體撰稿。Jordan是波爾多葡萄酒學院認可講師,致力教育工作,為僱員再培訓局、匯緃專業發展中心等機構主持品酒課程。

Greenie LAM 林震峰
Professional wine educator for food, wine and hospitality. Greenie is currently Lecturer in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Accredited Lecturer for Bordeaux Wine School and a tutor for WSET courses. He also participates in in-service training in Hong Kong and China, and consultancy for corporate and professional organisations.


Ronny LAU 劉偉民
Ronny Lau is a wine-loving music critic and music-loving wine critic. He is a freelance writer who has been writing for wine and music since 80’s, and now with regular columns in 10 different magazines and newspapers in Hong Kong, mainland China and Malaysia. Founder and Chairman of Greater China Wine Critics Association and the author of 5 wine books: "In Love with Wine," "Le Dialogue du Vin," "Around the Wine World," "All About Wine" and "It's a Wine, Wine World." He released "Music & Wine - The Perfect Matching", the first ever music and wine pairing CD in Asia. He is also a tutor for wine courses operating by Hong Kong Vocational Training Centre and Institute for Tourism Studies in Macau. He took up the role as winemaker and recently released his own wine made in Italy.
身份介乎一個喜歡喝酒的樂評人和一個喜歡聽歌的酒評人之間。八十年代開始撰寫音樂及飲食文章,2010年組成大中華酒評人協會,現任主席。現為香港職業訓練局及澳門旅遊學院導師,亦是自由撰稿人,專欄設於中港及馬來西亞超過十份報章雜誌。著有《傾倒葡萄酒》、《說葡萄酒的語言 — 法國篇》、《世味葡萄緣》及《世界知醉》等葡萄酒書及全亞洲首套將音樂配搭葡萄酒的音樂合輯《Music & Wine - The Perfect Matching》。2012年他更成為釀酒師,推出了在意大利釀造的葡萄酒。

Chris SO 蘇任中
Certified Educator for WSET, wine judge, consultant and educational event organiser. Founder of WINELIST.HK – an online platform to share knowledge and joy of wine with public. Chris holds WSET Diploma (Level 4) and is currently a Master of Wine Candidate. He is also editing a bilingual electronic book “Around The World Wine Journey”.
英國WSET 認可導師、葡萄酒評審、顧問及培訓活動策劃人。他創辦了WINELIST.HK資訊平台,藉以與眾分享品酒知識和樂趣。獲頒發WSET第四級文憑後,Chris正修讀葡萄酒大師課程(Master of Wine)。此外,他現正編撰《環游世界葡萄酒旅程》電子書。

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